Thursday, January 18, 2007

Gale-force winds hit London...

Today was the most windiest day i have ever experienced! And it was. Turns out the Lords cricket grounds actually lost a roof.


I've just had my first experience with Ruby - the newest addition to the scripting world - and was quite impressed with it. Its quite amazing at how much you can achieve with such a few lines of code (this coming from a Java developer).

Ruby is a dynamic, object oriented programming language. Its syntax is quite intuitive and is fairly easy to learn. Simplicity seems to be the operative word when programming with it. A few more facts about Ruby,
- Interpreted
- Everything is an Object (no primitives.. i mean everything's an object)
- Single inheritance with mixings (i still haven't figured out mixings.. will update this when i do)
- It has some excellent support for collections and regular expressions
- Its free!!!

Something that really impressed me was the following code snippet,

hash = {1=> 'Ricky Ponting', 2=> 'Sanath Jayasuriya'}
hash.each_pair do |key, value| puts "#{key} is #{value}"

These two lines iterate through the hash and prints out the value to the console. How cool is that?

Saturday, January 13, 2007

JML: The good and the bad

Our most recent assignment was based on the design methodology design by contract. We were asked to use the Java modeling language (JML), an annotation based specification language for Java to ensure our programs were developed to specification.

Here are some interesting observations:

- The idea of JML is very good. Its a non-intrusive mechanism of testing code. The JML annotations can be added before or after the method is fleshed out. (although DBC advocates writing these assertions first)

Eg. JML assertions
//@ requires firstname != "";
//@ requires lastname != "";
//@ requires username != "" || username.length() >4;
//@ requires password != "" || username.length() >4;
//@ requires address != null;
//@ requires !(\exists Customer c; this.customerDB.contains(c);c.getUsername() == username);
//@ ensures \result != null;
//@ ensures (\exists Customer c; this.customerDB.contains(c); c.getUsername() == username);
public Customer addCustomer(String firstname, String lastname, String username, String password, Address address)

- Since these are annotations, it does not mess up and over complicate your methods.
- The syntax is fairly simple, anyone who knows Java can use it.
- Its lightweight and seems to combine well with JUnit.
- It would work well for projects with well defined design specifications. If the design spec clearly specifies the input parameters of each method and its return type, then these annotations can be added at the time of defining your method signatures (at design time).
- It ensures the "contract" is preserved with the use of pre and post conditions. It also ensures correctness is maintained with the use of invariants.
- I feel it actually can take out the customary housekeeping tasks of ensuring your input parameters are not null/empty.

Improvement Suggestions:

- The most important improvement, i believe, should be in their error messages. When a pre/post/invariant is violated the error that is displayed (a JML Exception) is quite cryptic.

org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime.JMLEntryPreconditionError: by method TaxiBooking.validateAddress regarding specifications at
File "", line 129, character 28 when
'zipcode' is

This error is actually thrown when a precondition ensuring that the input zipcode parameter is not empty, is violated.
Looking at the error its quite difficult to understand which precondition was violated. Its up to the developer to display or throw an exception with a more meaningful message. Otherwise the software testers would not understand the results of the JML test and the JML tests would only be used by the developers.
- JML seems to be very feature rich. However figuring out all of its features and hunting down documentation to support that was very cumbersome. If they can improve on the documentation, moreover provide more examples, it would be very helpful.
- Better integration with IDE's. I did find an eclipse plug-in, however it was for an older version of eclipse which was not forward compatible.
- I did find it to be a little fussy when it comes to constructors. Perhaps i didn't use it correctly, but it complained when i simply instantiated an object and then used its setter methods to set its attributes. It worked fine when i passed all of its attributes in the constructor and then instantiated the object (which is quite messy in my opinion).

Overall i believe JML has the potential to become quite popular in the industry, provided the right support (IDE) and documentation is made available.

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