Saturday, January 2, 2010

2009 Review: Tech Products I Love And Use Every Day

After reading Michael Arrington's blog post: 2010: My Fifth Annual List Of The Tech Products I Love And Use Every Day I thought I should compile my own list. So here goes,

1. Gmail (
I've been using Gmail since 2005. Its no fuss interface, quick mail search and its integration with other google labs products (Gtalk, google talk and tasks) have made it my de facto personal email client. Dont forget about the fact that you dont ever have to delete mails to keep your storage limit in tact. Its probably the most popular email client.

2. Google Docs (
Google docs has been my replacement for sharing office documents for a while now. The ability to create a doc/spreadsheet and be able to access it anywhere (from home, office, your phone etc) is so convenient. I use it for almost anything now and hardly ever create office documents on my machine - means no more paying big bucks to install Office on my computer. I'm pretty sure MS Office will come up with an Office online suite pretty soon so we'll have to wait for that to see how it stacks up. I need to try out Dropbox this year too.

3. Picnik (
One of the most creative and easy to use online tools out there. Its my one stop shop for image manipulation, and uploading of pics to flickr and Picasa. Its the secret my photograph's look so good ;)

4. Delicious (
Again, the answer to keeping everything online. One of the best social bookmarking tools out there. I especially like the Popular bookmarks feature - you do find some gems in there.

5. Xmarks
Similar to Delicious, but different. This tool syncs up my bookmarks on my various browsers - Firefox and Chrome.

6. Google Notes
Whenever I need to jot down something I feel is important, Google notes has been my answer. I haven't really tried out Evernote yet, thats something I need to do this year.

7. Twitter (
I was a little late to try out twitter, but since I did, I simply love it. Its amazing how much you can learn from your twitter feed. People share some pretty amazing stuff - interesting articles, hot news, inside info on your favorite sportsmen etc. Its helps me keep up to date with whats going on in the world. The world is definitely a much smaller place because of twitter and facebook.

8. Facebook (
One of the best inventions this decade. It also won best overall start up at the Crunchies this year. I've reconnected and kept in touch with soo many people I wouldn't have, had it not been for facebook.

9. (
One of my favorites! There's a lot of personal finance management software out there, but in my opinion, this is the best. It helps saving easier by suggesting ways to save money by integrating with financial institutions and providing the most suitable option based on my lifestyle. Pretty cool concept and is a former techcrunch50 winner.

10. iPhone and Macbook pro (
I love Apple!! Ever since I got my iPhone I've been sold, and have wanted a Mac ever since. The UI is soo slick. It defines a new meaning to software applications. Everything is soo solid. Coming from a PC background you certainly feel the difference.

11. Pandora (
I love my pandora :) Haha.. yes yea, I love everything on this list. I use pandora a lot and now my playlist plays the music I love.

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