Thursday, April 15, 2010

Opinions and Viewpoints

Thats just what they are, opinions and viewpoints.

Everyone has them. But its up to you to take them in context, customize them, and make them work for you.

I've seen people go through life listening to others, sometimes doing what they say just to make them happy, maybe even hoping that they would be more likeable. In my opinion this does not work. You have to ask the question, ok you're making the other person happy, but are YOU Happy? Is this what you really want?

My take on this is the following,

In giving advice, seek to help, not please, your friend - Solon

- Some people like to share their opinions (i'm one of them :) ). Listen to them. They are sharing their opinions because they want to help and they care.

- However, it doesn't mean they are right. Maybe what they said worked for them, but there are many things that factor into it. What was the context? What was their thought process, their personality, what was their desired outcome? Do all of these match what you want? Most often not. People are different.
- So take into consideration what they say. Think about it. Filter out the noise and do what feels right. Very often your gut is right :)

So in conclusion, everyone will have their own opinion or viewpoint on the things you say and do. But remember,
thats just what they are, opinions and viewpoints.

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