Sunday, May 20, 2007

Deciding on subversion access priviledges...

As part of setting up the infrastructure for development we had to set up and configure subversion as our source control repository.

My initial thoughts were to provide read write access to all developers to all projects. My rational behind this was that, we were all adults and that there has to be some discipline when checking in code. As in no one would check in broken code.

However, after speaking to some of the team members it became apparent that most developers were new to this concept of working with a code repository and that they most probably would lazily check in code without ensuring their changes would cause a break in the build. Therefore, lets give each developer access to only their section of the codebase (frontend, backend etc).

Ok, thats understandable. i can live with that. After all prevention is better than cure :P

However there was another school of thought that brought up this very interesting proposal. Since these developers were new to this practice, why not give very specific access privileges. I.e. class level. Wow... i had never thought of this.

Personally, i don't think this is practical at all. It would be a nightmare trying to manage access privileges as developers finish a particular class and want to add/edit another class. And wouldn't this be a serious bottleneck to development ?

Interesting argument.. how far can you go with prevention ?? :P:P

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